

At H&M Hennes & Mauritz Ice, equality is a guiding principle and women and men are valued on their own terms, have equal opportunities and the same rights at work and for career advancement. Discrimination based on gender, age, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or political opinion is not tolerated. H&M encourages active discussion and awareness of gender equality issues. This policy covers all employees, describes the company’s main emphases in equal pay and gender equality issues and its goal is to ensure full equality between women and men, cf. Act no. 150/2020. Each employee must be valued and respected for their own merits. 

H&M supports its employees to the best of its ability to take care of the family due to long-term illness and the presence of employees due to incidents in children’s schools where possible. Bullying, prejudice, gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind is not tolerated. 

H&M Hennes & Mauritz Ice operates in accordance with laws, regulations and equal pay systems. The company is committed to setting equal pay targets, conducting regular monitoring of its equal pay system and working for continuous improvement in equal pay and equality issues. 

After the certifation we would add in the yellow text:  

H&M Hennes & Mauritz Ice operates in accordance with laws, regulations and equal pay systems. which has been certified according to ÍST 85: 2012. The company is committed to setting equal pay targets, conducting regular monitoring of its equal pay system and working for continuous improvement in equal pay and equality issues. 

Kópavogur 8.4.2024